a senior official in feudal China
original story
cannot bear
be unequal to
not allowing one to speak
patch up a business
up to standard
wax and wane
special task
special agent
as if treading on eggs
as if treading on thin ice
like walking on thin ice
play tricks on
as a last resort
out of absolute necessity
final work
posthumous work
be on guard against
look out for squalls
mind out
a match-making
talk about a marriage
propose a marriage
bring up proposal of marriage
stand gracefully erect
cheerful and gay
natural fiber
conspire with someone in illegal acts
The wicked help the wicked.
key to exercises or problems
be indigenous to
young boys and girls
small shrimp
be in a pickle
by a definite date
put in a false tooth
insert an artificial tooth
have a tooth filled
expand upon
talk out
talk at length
all without exception
enumerate in full detail
every single one
appear insignificant when compared with
be a fool to
too trivial to talk about
mere trifle
too insignificant to mention
elementary school students
have the jitters
rubber stamp
drive a vehicle
travelling crane
tree creeper
resort to extreme measures
have all
have everything
with neither head nor tail
without beginning or end
without clues
letting things take their own course
the Yalu River
object of ridicule
comic stories
stretch to the horizon
make things worse by repeated delays
commit one mistake after another
keep on making mistakes
at one blow
at a draught
right off
bold and flowing
flow down vigorously
a line
a row
a single file
a group travelling together
lie in a nutshell
exactly alike
deny completely
blot out at one stroke
every tree and bush
every small things
in one day
weak in force
floating about
drifting gently
restless and drifting purposelessly

